Whoa Saturday update! Looks super nice outside. That’s where I’m going. Have a good one. |
octopus pie by meredith gran is licensed under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-share alike 3.0 united states license. ![]() |
2021 appearances None! |
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who is this? I don't remember her…
On another note, It's great to see Will smiling after all this sulking he's been doing. This is a great comic, and I'm excited to see where this is heading.
Her name's Aimee.
I tracked down her first appearance, here : http://www.octopuspie.com/2008-07-21/172-ah-the-r…
There was some flirting, followed by betrayal… After that storyline, she disappearede from the comic for 2 years, before making a flamboyant albeit short comeback : http://www.octopuspie.com/2010-09-10/394-razor-bl…
Is Will ready to step into the nonfiction area ???
XD Good one. I guess we'll soon find out!
Oh my gosh, It's her! Haha, I forgot all about her.
Love the dialogue in panel 1.
Ha! Love the alt text. 😀
Ah, the long-awaited return! I’m riveted now!
OOooOOOooooOOOOooOOOo Will's ladyfriend!
Also yeah, that's a classy bit of dialogue in the first panel x3 'So I says to her I says…'
I read the comic a second time as per your instructions. I hope you spent all your alt-text thinking time outside.
Niiiiice lettering!
AAAAAAHHHHH aimee's so pretty it hurts
Is her name Aimee!? I'm so PSYCHED that I totes remembered that before Kevin's comment. I was actually gonna say "I remembered her name first (out of those who have commented so far)." I… get psyched easily?
And hooray for Saturday updates! 🙂
Coincidental, I was re-reading the Renaissance Unfair arc just an hour ago. Probably one of my favourite arcs in this webcomic to date.
Nice to see Aimee again – and since he's broken up with Marigold and been rejected by Eve, maybe Will can pursue a relationship honestly this time XD. Man, I hope she's broken up with the douchebag (Bert, methinks his name was) she was with – then again, I would love to see Bert again. He was as hilarious as he was annoying, and I think the second last strip we saw him in hinted that he was acting in it all along.
I mean, I do love the idea of Will and Eve together, but Aimee's not going to stupidly reject him because she feels uncomfortable with the idea. I hope something comes of this – Will deserves it ^__^
Although Larry and his cousin's grins in the last panel are damn creepy D:
So, I've been reading this comic in parts for about a month now, and I'm upset because I've just caught up….Do you understand what this means?!?!? I have to wait for more awesomeness like everyone else now!
You know a book is amazing when you get pissed off on the last page, simply because you've reached the last page….I know it's only for a couple days or so, but still!
this happened to me, about exactly a month ago. hard times man, i feel ya.
Woohee, look who's back! 😀
will + eve again peeeaaaasssss
Because yelling "peeeaaaasssss" always gets you what you want from a comic.
Hand lettering is looking nice!!
Love it. Will is happy, which makes me happy. Then again, when any character appears on a new OP update makes me happy (even if they're self-loathing or anger-loving, like our heroine).
More animated gifs?
"Whose cross-section of a conversation actually sounds like this?" Classic.
I remember Aimee. I love how you make all these call backs in the comic.
Also, nice job on all the detail in the surrounding/background crowd. Every person looks unique.
VERY happy there's no alt text. I constantly forget they exist! Then I have to spend hours going through the archives, reading the alt text, just to make sure I didn't miss anything…
I remember Aimee! She's cute. 🙂
So are we back to weekly updates? Just wondering when I ought to check the site.
there are no set days for updates right now. It updates about twice a week.
Alt text is a weird thing. A blessing mixed with a burden…In reading through the archives of 'girly' you can actually detect the point where the burden of alt text slowly drives josh to the edge, the very brink. then it disappears for two story arcs. then it returns, but only when he feels like it.
i feel like a dumb chump because i don't understand panel 1….. there goes my self worth…
I don't really understand panel one either.. I blame the fact that my native tongue is Swedish. :3
Re-read the comic, just to spite you, Ms. Gran. And I'll have you know, I enjoyed every second of it, so there.
daaaamnn youuuu!!
Ahahaha I feel the alt text! <3