My very first thought was that that foliage in the upper right also looks like cracks and breakages, as though this had been painted on a panel of glass that is shattered in one corner.
Contemplative looks like the one Hanna has in panel 2 make me wonder if she's content, depressed, or just content with less than what she really wants.
That's one of the big mysteries of OP that I've never been able to nail. How long has passes in universe, They can't be in their thirties can they? If so Damn thats an old cat
Contemplative looks like the one Hanna has in panel 2 make me wonder if she's content, depressed, or just content with less than what she really wants.
My very first thought was that that foliage in the upper right also looks like cracks and breakages, as though this had been painted on a panel of glass that is shattered in one corner.
That's one of the big mysteries of OP that I've never been able to nail.
How long has passes in universe, They can't be in their thirties can they? If so Damn thats an old cat
this art
Oh my god, that looks delicious!
Corncobs on the grill is awesome!
Contemplative looks like the one Hanna has in panel 2 make me wonder if she's content, depressed, or just content with less than what she really wants.
Tiny smile.
Please tell us you're going to put up a jumbo print version of this page on your web store.
I am not… but glad you enjoy it here on the screen.
My very first thought was that that foliage in the upper right also looks like cracks and breakages, as though this had been painted on a panel of glass that is shattered in one corner.
That moon is heavenly…
The coloring on this. Just incredible.
Great scene! I'm going to assume they're in the Catskills?
That looks so good!
Damn. I wish I was there.
Where are the mosquitoes!
Wow, this is BEAUTIFUL *_* you can really feel the atmosphere *exactly*!
So beautiful… No words…^_^
Making lemonade out of lemons. Will's like, ahh, so sour, his mouth is puckered up to the point where you can't even see it anymore!
I know we say that of every new page but DANG, those colours.
The Get Up Kids' "Campfire Kansas" is playing in my head as I look at this.
Mercy me, but this scenery porn is just about giving me the vapors
When did Will and Eve break up?
How were we supposed to know this happened?
They never *really* went out, but this is when they "broke up":…
Since then it's been a friends-with-benefits sort of thing, except for that one time they smooched while dating other people:…
That's one of the big mysteries of OP that I've never been able to nail.
How long has passes in universe, They can't be in their thirties can they? If so Damn thats an old cat