Yeah, I agree with Yammy. It feels like he's always been the most self-aware person in the comic, he just doesn't show most of the time it because he's also too aware of other people's feelings.
Larry's the type of person I would have a deep admiration for, but I would never be able to have any sort of decent conversation with. He would never remember my name and would only call me as "x's weird friend" in parties.
Is this the first time we've seen Larry expressing loneliness/unhappiness of any kind? He's always been the unflappable, breezy, carefree bro to me. I just sort of always expected him to be that. But first Hannah, then Larry... all these things that I took for granted as constants and then NOPE rug pulled out from underneath.
I wonder if this is a recent revelation he had with Claudia or something he's known for some time now about himself.
that feel when you kinda wanted to talk about something with someone you trust but then you don't get the opportunity and it's kind of like being left with a fine kettle of fish
Yeah, I agree with Yammy. It feels like he's always been the most self-aware person in the comic, he just doesn't show most of the time it because he's also too aware of other people's feelings.
Larry's the type of person I would have a deep admiration for, but I would never be able to have any sort of decent conversation with. He would never remember my name and would only call me as "x's weird friend" in parties.
that feel when you kinda wanted to talk about something with someone you trust but then you don't get the opportunity and it's kind of like being left with a fine kettle of fish
Is this the first time we’ve seen Larry expressing loneliness/unhappiness of any kind? He’s always been the unflappable, breezy, carefree bro to me. I just sort of always expected him to be that. But first Hannah, then Larry… all these things that I took for granted as constants and then NOPE rug pulled out from underneath.
I wonder if this is a recent revelation he had with Claudia or something he’s known for some time now about himself.
Well Will. This is a fine kettle of fish.
The Fine Kettle of Fish is pretty standard for Will.
^Beautiful fan right here^
Yyyyep. Larry, you beautiful font of idiot wisdom, you.
Wisdom Bastard to Eve's Wisdom Bitch?
Why is Larry suddenly the most well adjusted and self aware person in this comic?! He's like the Rain Man of emotional bliss.
Yeah, I agree with Yammy. It feels like he's always been the most self-aware person in the comic, he just doesn't show most of the time it because he's also too aware of other people's feelings.
Oh man. This comic just illuminated my current romance problems and laid 'em out niiice and clear to me.
Man, all this time, I didn't need no counselor or well-meaning friends or any of that; I just needed Larry.
Larry's the type of person I would have a deep admiration for, but I would never be able to have any sort of decent conversation with. He would never remember my name and would only call me as "x's weird friend" in parties.
But he would still be cool to you when you were there in front of him.
He does seem like a cool guy to know, if was real. perhaps there is a larry out there somewhere dispensing idiot wisdom ^.^
Andddd I just realized that this is me with most people. Time to go reevaluate my social life and how I approach people.
that feel when you kinda wanted to talk about something with someone you trust but then you don't get the opportunity and it's kind of like being left with a fine kettle of fish
So many unspoken emotions and thoughts going on in the textless panels… classic male interaction.
Is this the first time we’ve seen Larry expressing loneliness/unhappiness of any kind? He’s always been the unflappable, breezy, carefree bro to me. I just sort of always expected him to be that. But first Hannah, then Larry… all these things that I took for granted as constants and then NOPE rug pulled out from underneath.
I wonder if this is a recent revelation he had with Claudia or something he’s known for some time now about himself.
he does seem like a cool guy, someone i would love to know if he was real
Oh God, Will's life has becomes like a hurricane.
This guy THIS GUY. Larry. Best guy. Hundred years.
Larry has depths that even HE hasn't been able to plumb.