As a white dude, I just want to say that not all white dudes are white dudes. But ugh, the white dude white dudes? Don't even get me started on them. (Don't worry, I'm allowed to say bad stuff about white dudes, because I'm a white dude.)
Well, if it wasn't settled for me before, this settles it. If anybody is doing better social commentary on the millenials than Meredith, I don't know about it: both in form - the build up to Will's grand put down in the previous strips, the diffusing of the moment by moving into satire, the dialog-free wide shot of the frat boys all looking at the self proclaimed white dude as his accidental point sinks in, and the diffusion of the seriousness implicit in THAT by moving into pure silly comedy - and content - with the best positioning in the world, it's still necessary that Will actually HAS a really devastating observation to make when the moment comes, and she delivers on that too. To be confronted with the prospect that you are not only not really living now, but that the ravages of time mean it's all DOWNHILL from here - ouch.
Will's just showing them what White Flight looks like.
Seriously though few things are more obnoxious than white people complaining about white people as if that magically means they "get it" (lookin at you, 90% of tumblr)
I know that's a table leg there, but I much prefer to see Will flipping them off down low as he heads for the window. Also thirded on loving the unexpected direction. Hope he's getting away with every ounce of weed in that backpack.
Well, if it wasn't settled for me before, this settles it. If anybody is doing better social commentary on the millenials than Meredith, I don't know about it: both in form – the build up to Will's grand put down in the previous strips, the diffusing of the moment by moving into satire, the dialog-free wide shot of the frat boys all looking at the self proclaimed white dude as his accidental point sinks in, and the diffusion of the seriousness implicit in THAT by moving into pure silly comedy – and content – with the best positioning in the world, it's still necessary that Will actually HAS a really devastating observation to make when the moment comes, and she delivers on that too. To be confronted with the prospect that you are not only not really living now, but that the ravages of time mean it's all DOWNHILL from here – ouch.
Heh heh heh heh!
I LOVE it how he got them into a Woody Allen-ish debate about "the knowledge", "the environment", and [cultural insights], so that he could turn the situation into something else. I love it!
As a white dude, I just want to say that not all white dudes are white dudes. But ugh, the white dude white dudes? Don't even get me started on them. (Don't worry, I'm allowed to say bad stuff about white dudes, because I'm a white dude.)
Dude, really, the PC term is "transcolored white dude". And I totally feel for the dudes in the strip. Power to them for not taking any of that ciscolored crap.
Let's see if I can explain it without falling into the very thing I'm trying to avoid… fighting against racism is often seen (if you look at individual pieces of it up close without context) as "fighting against white people". Partially from a desire to say "I'm not part of the bad guys" and partially because of a misunderstanding of calls to respect diversity, people find ways to avoid thinking of themselves as white. This is where we get the people who say they understand oppression because they're 1/32 Cherokee, or that white people are technically only those whose families came from global area X and their family came from a point 5 miles on the other side of the border, A way of not having to admit you've got a lot fewer hurdles in your life than other people, particularly if your able to fit into the "entitled party boy douchebag" stereotype.
The "I want to apologize for this white guy fulfilling the white guy stereotype" is basic passive-aggressiveness with a "look at how progressive I am" wrapper.
I know that's a table leg there, but I much prefer to see Will flipping them off down low as he heads for the window. Also thirded on loving the unexpected direction. Hope he's getting away with every ounce of weed in that backpack.
Its been a while since I commented but have been reading the comic to stay up to date. So Will becomes existential. Nice. I always thought he had a little bit of philosopher in him.
Will's just showing them what White Flight looks like.
Seriously though few things are more obnoxious than white people complaining about white people as if that magically means they "get it" (lookin at you, 90% of tumblr)
Most of Tumblr in a nutshell. White people yelling at other white people for their innocuous statements about life, simply because the person saying those things is white and (maybe) male.
Hi Meredith,
I apologize for a comment posted, about non-white white dudes. [There's no such thing as nwwd, in my opinion]. I wrote it as a joke. that's all. No offense meant. I realize that my humor can be a little too surprising for all-audiences on the internet. That's cool. I just have an odd sense of humor at times. That's cool.
Cheers, TRA
Just when I thought the realness of your storyline would tip into more possible bad times, you bring it back to the even-keeled whimsy. Keep rocking, Meredith!
White dudes, Amiright?
*canned laugh track*
I found the white dude!
Hey. Get back in there and keep fighting. You have a golden opportunity to give your life for the greatest cause of all: punching posers.
Will laying down some sick burns about the inevitable ennui that accompanies the unexamined life before jumping out the fuckin' window.
Will used Analytical Deconstruction on Douchebags
The move was ineffective
Will fled the battle
jesus mer this hit some god damn deep rooted existential feels
There were a million ways I imagined this going. That wasn't one of them.
Well, if it wasn't settled for me before, this settles it. If anybody is doing better social commentary on the millenials than Meredith, I don't know about it: both in form – the build up to Will's grand put down in the previous strips, the diffusing of the moment by moving into satire, the dialog-free wide shot of the frat boys all looking at the self proclaimed white dude as his accidental point sinks in, and the diffusion of the seriousness implicit in THAT by moving into pure silly comedy – and content – with the best positioning in the world, it's still necessary that Will actually HAS a really devastating observation to make when the moment comes, and she delivers on that too. To be confronted with the prospect that you are not only not really living now, but that the ravages of time mean it's all DOWNHILL from here – ouch.
Heh heh heh heh!
I LOVE it how he got them into a Woody Allen-ish debate about "the knowledge", "the environment", and [cultural insights], so that he could turn the situation into something else. I love it!
Oh God, Tumblr is leaking. 😉
As a white dude, I just want to say that not all white dudes are white dudes. But ugh, the white dude white dudes? Don't even get me started on them. (Don't worry, I'm allowed to say bad stuff about white dudes, because I'm a white dude.)
But are you a white dude white dude, or just a white dude? Because I could deal with a white dude.
But are you a transwhitedude? If not your oppression points are insignificant to comment on this topic.
Dude, really, the PC term is "transcolored white dude". And I totally feel for the dudes in the strip. Power to them for not taking any of that ciscolored crap.
Don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are white dudes, but white dudes really need to stop being so white.
I may have included one too many 'white' and turned my satire on its head. I think I need to grab a pen to sort this out.
"STOP THAT WHITE DUDE" (shouted by white dudes)
–needs to be a new reaction image right there–
for like everything.
mwahaha. How much I love Will. And this comic.
Yup, because the last thing you want to do after beating up the Weed Dealer because you don't want to Pay Him for your Drugs is cry social injustice.
I am so enraged, yet confused.
Reminds me of a tumblr post from a while back, "white people be like 'white people be like'"
That is all.
I expected this to be Yakety Sax but was disappointed.
I’m probably stupid, but arent they all white dudes? What am i missing, somebody tell me. (I seriously don’t get it.)
white dude here. The joke is that many white dudes are painfully self aware of their status as white dudes.
Let's see if I can explain it without falling into the very thing I'm trying to avoid… fighting against racism is often seen (if you look at individual pieces of it up close without context) as "fighting against white people". Partially from a desire to say "I'm not part of the bad guys" and partially because of a misunderstanding of calls to respect diversity, people find ways to avoid thinking of themselves as white. This is where we get the people who say they understand oppression because they're 1/32 Cherokee, or that white people are technically only those whose families came from global area X and their family came from a point 5 miles on the other side of the border, A way of not having to admit you've got a lot fewer hurdles in your life than other people, particularly if your able to fit into the "entitled party boy douchebag" stereotype.
The "I want to apologize for this white guy fulfilling the white guy stereotype" is basic passive-aggressiveness with a "look at how progressive I am" wrapper.
Thanks, understanding this makes this page even better to read.
What they are saying its white guilt horseshit.
Yup. And to paraphrase what I said a few weeks ago, as a black guy, it's almost comical to watch.
I can't wait till these guys realize that they are white dudes.
As a black dude…you guys are *weird*.
I definitely wasn't expecting that, but I'm loving it so damn much.
I'm sure there will be cops arriving soon, to check a "noise complaint" and possibly stuble upon something Will "left"
Run, Will! Run your ass off!!
Perfect escape! I hope he managed to snag some cash during all the brawling. Gotta get paid!
I know that's a table leg there, but I much prefer to see Will flipping them off down low as he heads for the window. Also thirded on loving the unexpected direction. Hope he's getting away with every ounce of weed in that backpack.
Oh goddamit, I was really really hoping that was an inverted flip-off.
??? Damn it feels good to be a white dude ?
(Those were supposed to be musical notes. Darn.)
Hoping Eve is passing outside the window as the mirror image of this sequence:…
"This is your weed, right?"
Will clearly has some Bugs Bunny DNA.
Weird observation: only 3 people in the entire party appear to have black (or at least dark) hair.
Somebody also pointed out that in the Basement Buddies story literally all of the buddies were blonde. MG prefers blonde gentlemen.
I love Meredith's mind. SO. MUCH.
Its been a while since I commented but have been reading the comic to stay up to date. So Will becomes existential. Nice. I always thought he had a little bit of philosopher in him.
Will's just showing them what White Flight looks like.
Seriously though few things are more obnoxious than white people complaining about white people as if that magically means they "get it" (lookin at you, 90% of tumblr)
so about that weed…
I think NOW somebody should punch Will.
Most of Tumblr in a nutshell. White people yelling at other white people for their innocuous statements about life, simply because the person saying those things is white and (maybe) male.
Yeah!…word to your mother!
Fellow non-white, white dude! 😀
Worst dudes: white dudes who complain about white dudes. Second worst dudes: white dudes who don't complain about white dudes.
I want to join Will in his fist fight against these losers.
Oh shit dog it turned into fucking Looney Tunes Slapstick! YES.
my first thought was i really hope will stole some money from them before running out.
Hi Meredith,
I apologize for a comment posted, about non-white white dudes. [There's no such thing as nwwd, in my opinion]. I wrote it as a joke. that's all. No offense meant. I realize that my humor can be a little too surprising for all-audiences on the internet. That's cool. I just have an odd sense of humor at times. That's cool.
Cheers, TRA
Will's face in panel 8 is priceless
Hey, we're just trying to have a good time, narc. Don't commit your hate crimes here!
Just when I thought the realness of your storyline would tip into more possible bad times, you bring it back to the even-keeled whimsy. Keep rocking, Meredith!
What happened to my posts?