Chicago peeps! I’m going to be at CAKE this weekend!
I don’t get to do many Chicago appearances so I’m pumped! Look for me at Table 22, with my pal Georgia Webber. I’ll have some Marceline and OP books, as well as some minis, and I’ll do sketches and stuff! Y’know the deal.
In some alternate universe, Hanna is a pretty successful middle-management type person, fluent in powertalk(TM) and all. Good thing weed exists in the non-alternate universe.
Yeah, any guesses as to the poster? I think it's a "HANG IN THERE" kitten, and stopped being ironic around the time Marek could see the light at the end of his manuscript.
I can only hope there are more intense moments between Clark and other members of the cast. Refreshing stuff
Analysis Kombat.
Test your insight!
“Hanna & Clark”, Thursdays on Bravo!
oh god Hanna is a BEAST
"C'mere, ya knucklehead!" Then Hanna gives him a noogie. Slightly too hard on purpose. So he KNOWS his damn PLACE.
Sounds like Hanna to me!
Heh heh… Heh… do you have any designer brand water around? I need to splash some on my face.
It's like a strange reimagining of that scene from Casino Royale.
OK, what could be formerly ironic, yet no longer? Probably that kitten hanging onto a tree branch.
Also: Smushed roach? Gross. Unless they leave it there as a warning to other roaches.
Ah the tension in the air! Hanna makes a formidable foe.
Holmes and Moriarty meet at last.
Hanna is the skillful master at psychological judo.
Yay, I'll be volunteering @ CAKE on Sunday
You're not the alpha bitch here, Clark ^^
Haha, you can't break Hanna, Clark. DEAL WITH IT.
We're just a few panels away from them revealing embarrassing fetishes and favorite sexual positions based on a handshake.
They're both right. That's what makes it funny.
NO-ONE messes with Hanna.
In some alternate universe, Hanna is a pretty successful middle-management type person, fluent in powertalk(TM) and all. Good thing weed exists in the non-alternate universe.
I just want to see a few pages of Marek describing the apartment.
Yeah, any guesses as to the poster? I think it's a "HANG IN THERE" kitten, and stopped being ironic around the time Marek could see the light at the end of his manuscript.
I'm thinking Elton John dressed as Lady Gaga re-enacting Alanis Morissette's 1995 hit video to her double Grammy nominated song.
Not sure if such a poster MUST be created immediately or never.
I would DVR the hell out of that TV show.
I just discovered Octopus Pie last week thanks to Boxer Hockey. And now I've read everything. From the beginning. Color me hooked.
irresistible force meets immovable object