Here’s a new comic for a new week. I’m very tired from back-to-back weekends of Comic Con and signing mountains of books, but it is a good tired. I think it might be a good idea to get on a reliable weekly schedule for the time being. More on that soon. New Yorkers: I’m doing a book release party for Listen At Home With Octopus Pie at the end of August! I will be reading from the book, signing things, and hopefully meeting you! And I’m told every book purchase will come with free beer. The party will be at the awesome Desert Island in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Here are the details: Thursday, August 25 · 7:00pm – 9:00pm |
Come on Eve… You should've known better…
Can Meredith make this into a wall-size poster? Wowee-zowee.
Lol hilarious.
Did she fail at watching it before? I noticed "again" was put in the title. I think I might have missed that strip…
I was wondering the same thing.
Octopus Pie characters have lives outside of what the strip depicts- most of the stories, I get the feeling we're dropping in on their lives during particularly notable times, not really getting a full document of where they are every minute of the day a la Questionable Content. You'll notice that characters occasionally change hairstyles without any strips involving them going to the stylist, for example. Anyway, it would make sense that Eve continually fails to enjoy porn, yet keeps trying, even at the expense of her knowledge of groundbreaking AMC dramas. Fits the character somehow.
Or they could just be reading it as "Octopus Pie Theater Presents (again)".
I LOVE Eve's eyes in this! The way they changed with each shock was amazing!
I'm a dude and I feel Eve on this one. When did abuse become a regular feature of porn?
People just keep going into the wrong office, "I came in here for sex!" "Oh, I'm sorry, this is abuse!"
The "Everything All Right, Eve" square by itself is gold. Pure gold.
I identify with this 110%. It's usually a good twenty minutes after logging on until I find something that isn't obviously fake, horribly violent or where everyone looks like they're made out of plastic and vaguely unhappy about it.
"obviously fake?" I think it stops being porn when they start faking the sex. Unless you're referring to the people involved, in which case I'm surprised you're able to find anything in only 20 minutes.
As for the violence, I always felt that was due to the upswing in popularity of "amateur" videos, where part of the turn-on isn't just watching well-proportioned people go at it, but the sense of voyeurism that's granted by a cheap handheld camera and more normal-looking people. Problem is, voyeurism gets old if it stays at the same level, so people who are there strictly for that feeling have to get the sense that they are watching more and more taboo-breaking stuff, a need that the market rises to meet. That's my totally unsubstantiated theory, at least.
Look, a lot of people like kinky sex, and always have. There's a shitload of French literature from centuries ago to back this up.
The root of a fetish is that it's taboo. For most people, it's the simple taboo of nudity. Other people need, uh, some more "outlandish" taboos.
They just don't make porn like they used to.
Hmm.. the closest hit on google is "samantha ryan serenades the cock"
Somehow, the fact that only one person checked seems stranger than the fact that someone searched for it.
Oh, I know the feeling.
Haha, this is why I don't watch het porn. Every time I try it just makes me feel really uncomfortable and sad.
I'm watching the wrong gay porn, then. Well, there's exceptions, but I've found that there's a lot that's humiliation based without being in a specific humiliation genre. You just click, and it seems like the kink is 'nobody is having fun.'
It's not het or homo or what have you.
Pro porn in general sucks.
Oh man, I loled – and I NEVER lol!
Not that anyone needs to know this, but I am the exact same when it comes to porn.
That's why I read it.
I'm not sure I understand Eve and Hanna's dialogue in the last panel.
Eve is trying to make sure it's not more freaky grossout porn.
Hanna doesn't wish to dignify that with a response. :B
Eve seems to think Hanna and (I'm guessing) Marek are also watching porn. Hanna doesn't know what the hell Eve is talking about, and answers accordingly.
I was thinking that Eve doesn't really know what Mad Men is about, or can't think of it at the moment, but she doesn't want to lose hipster cred, so she makes an incredibly vague approximation of the show.
I figured she just wanted to be reassured that she'd be seeing male faces and not just their disembodied cocks.
I think it's that Eve is so freaked out by men in that moment that even watching normal TV is made gross by the prospect of even seeing a male face. Hanna senses Eve is being weird, and doesn't even want to examine why.
Awesome. So well drawn, well written, so true. Why does porn gotta be like that? We all need a Hanna in our lives.
I agree with this 100%; few things are bigger turnoffs in porn than women who are being abused or who are clearly not enjoying the experience.
I absolutely love the [SCREAM].
She should get into gay porn.
So many cocks, and so many dudes' faces. Often intersecting. o/
That's what I thought to my self, lol.
That might be traumatic for her too. She does seem a little sensitive
that reminds me when my girlfriend asked me to show her porn since she was curious. i showed her amateur couple stuff and begged her never to stray from it, lest she become mindscarred for life.
Yeah, you'd think pleasure would be a staple of porn. Isn't that the whole point of sex?
I find it sort of twisted that there are all these categories that porn gets labeled and filed into and pleasure is never one of them.
Not only is no one having a good time, the frigging genitals are blurred out. There's nothing like watching two patches of pixels slam together while the girl makes a face like she's pissing ice water. And the camera almost never shows the guy's face, or those are blurred out too, which adds another greasy layer of sleaziness.
Oh christ, this. The noises the women make in those things are like what I can only imagine a guinea pig being methodically beaten to death with a wiffle ball bat would sound like. I've yet to see one where the girl didn't seem like she was on the verge of crying, as if that was the whole point of the video and the sex was just a means to get there.
Plus it's so full of rape! I mean my only real experience with hentai is the stuff posted on redtube so maybe there's less rape-y stuff out there but I'm flabbergasted with how much of it seems to feature the woman being forced (often violently while she'd begging the guy coming on to her to stop) into the sex act like a woman can't enjoy sex unless she's forced first.
Y'know, this is why I love Eve.
In even the most mundane of actions, she remains the Universes' private bauble on a string which it proceeds to bat around like a faintly amused cat.
One day I hope she catches a break, but I can't help but feel the end result of this…
Tendancy will be a life of hurling rocks, abuse and small animals at the sky in an attempt to hit whatever it is that seems to have it in for her.
I was really expecting the comics to devolve into a bunch of TMI porn choices. way to disappoint me commenters, by not disappointing me.
keep in mind they do get moderated. by me -_-
Oh reading this just made me kinda sad. I would not want to moderate the comments on this one…
Great strip. Hilarious. I love the panels with her under the covers. Great art work mixed with great writing and characters. When is the movie coming out?
Not sure about the feature-length film, but there are some nifty OP animations on Vimeo.
and here ends my three day binge of octopus pie. #1-#379. I still wan't MOAR!
Hah! Oh no! The second she maybe feels a little tiny bit sexy, everything goes wrong! i'd say in panel 6. maybe 11, too, in a less trusting way. love the body language.
I hope I'm not alone in saying this but "a WORLD of cocks"?
That's just… Too many cocks.
Eve's freaking out like someone who's played "Amnesia"…
Also Meredith, how do you meet your webcomic-site needs (HTML and such)?
It might be better if Eve found some porn done by women for women, not Lesbian.
hey, meredith, btw, the link the Hark a Vagrant has been old for a long time. her website isn't anymore.
Also: I agree with what everyone has been saying. You are a master of expression.
pssssst, think ya mean #479
whoops! time flies.
I finally got that this was anime-style because of the Japanese Porn.
I read this comic straight from the first strip to right here. This comic is like CRACK.
I have but this to say: "The internet is for porn, the internet is for porn. Porn! Porn! porn!
I've been reading Octopus Pie for ages – it's one of my 'dailies' – but THIS IS MY FAVOURITE STRIP EVER. I've read it about 10 times by now.
Poor thing.
Again? When was the first one?
I’m in a world of cocks… yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid.
– Private Samantha