heehee, it obviously is, at least to her… suddenly workin on her hair…
Wow. I just got that her name is Eve Ning. Like, evening. I feel slow.
Awesome comic btw. 😀
For the record, if I didn't read your comment, I wouldn't have caught that.
same here, I speak many tongues, but Pun is not one of them.
Yesss!! Fellow Losties!!
So I just read the comic posted June 15, 2016, and yeah, even back in this story Greg gives Eve a forlorn look every time she fawns over Park, which I never picked up on before.
Dude, awesome backstory depth, Ms. Gran.
Yay, light spoilers!
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- Beep boop -
heehee, it obviously is, at least to her… suddenly workin on her hair…
Wow. I just got that her name is Eve Ning. Like, evening. I feel slow.
Awesome comic btw. 😀
For the record, if I didn't read your comment, I wouldn't have caught that.
same here, I speak many tongues, but Pun is not one of them.
Yesss!! Fellow Losties!!
So I just read the comic posted June 15, 2016, and yeah, even back in this story Greg gives Eve a forlorn look every time she fawns over Park, which I never picked up on before.
Dude, awesome backstory depth, Ms. Gran.
Yay, light spoilers!