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tyersome · 405 weeks ago
richard schumacher · 402 weeks ago
tyersome · 352 weeks ago
Green_Pikmin · 213 weeks ago
richard schumacher · 389 weeks ago
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Comments by IntenseDebate
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Mind blown.
The shamanistic duck, just beautiful! I'm enjoying this strip so much!!
I have now officially begun enjoying this strip. The past few have been building up quite nicely, and I can safely say I'm liking it.
If you scroll, the duck’s aureola seems to flash, it grows bigger and smaller. Groovy!
Duck totems are about balancing emotional discord and letting go. How perfect 😀 😀
i have this printed out and hung up at work
Did she just reach enlightenment…?
She just ducked right past Nirvana and became fowl with everything.
This is inspired by "The Invisibles", isn't it?
This rules!
This has got to be the best online comic! It is, it has been proven by zoologists.
How is it that everyone has ducked out of the opportunity to make quacks about this page?
Don't make anas of yourself
Well done Richard
I'm sorry if in my fowl humor I inadvertently ruffled your feathers …
any more of this and I'm getting the duck outta here
*gasp* "Ah um" becomes Aum!
I don't get it
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- Beep boop -
Mind blown.
The shamanistic duck, just beautiful! I'm enjoying this strip so much!!
I have now officially begun enjoying this strip. The past few have been building up quite nicely, and I can safely say I'm liking it.
If you scroll, the duck’s aureola seems to flash, it grows bigger and smaller. Groovy!
Duck totems are about balancing emotional discord and letting go. How perfect 😀 😀
i have this printed out and hung up at work
Did she just reach enlightenment…?
She just ducked right past Nirvana and became fowl with everything.
This is inspired by "The Invisibles", isn't it?
This rules!
This has got to be the best online comic! It is, it has been proven by zoologists.
How is it that everyone has ducked out of the opportunity to make quacks about this page?
Don't make anas of yourself
Well done Richard
I'm sorry if in my fowl humor I inadvertently ruffled your feathers …
any more of this and I'm getting the duck outta here
*gasp* "Ah um" becomes Aum!
I don't get it