I am now offering Octopus Pie books at wholesale prices to comic book shops. If you own, work at, or have a great deal of influence at a comic shop and would like to carry OP books, send me an e-mail and I’ll give you the very easy instructions for ordering. Read on if you’d like a little backstory on this decision.

Edit: Yes, it is very helpful if you’d like to e-mail me links to some of your favorite indie-friendly shops! Thanks to those who have already done so. 🙂


In the past couple of years I’ve grown quite fond of comic shops. Admittedly, there was a time in my young life – mostly during the unspeakable teen years – when these places made me claustrophobic and aggravated my shyest of tendencies. There was almost a porn-like shame attached to buying comics, particularly when I was the only girl to be found in such a place, and a childhood of wandering huge department stores had given me an awful fear of small shops (heaven forbid a cashier should notice me looking around).

Of course as I got older and traveled more, I realized just how many wonderful comic shops exist all over the place. Not only that, but I realized comics weren’t just read by kids and male collectors anymore, but by women of all ages and people of every interest group. I decided not only that these places were fantastic, but that maybe someday I could put my own work in them. Anyone who’s seen their book on a comic shop shelf knows what a pleasure and an honor it is.

Those who know comics are familiar with Diamond. For anyone else, they’re basically the only option for major comic book distribution. No other comic distributor has the massive reach of Diamond. I’ve considered using their services for a while now, and even sent out a submission package this past fall. But the longer I wait for a response, the more I wonder if it’s the right option for a small self-publisher. My numbers just aren’t high enough to make a profit from their services. I have a wonderful grassroots means of distribution right here on this site. And I’d certainly prefer to interact with shop owners myself, if I can help it.

So, in front of you all, I proclaim this as one of my many goals of 2009. Time to put OP in some comic shops!