hanna is my hero
Mine too.
unicycle man is my hero
electronic goat is that you 😐
Was that a milk carton in panel 5, or one of Uncle Hanna's Highest Quality Cock Bags? D:
Uni-tard! Good one!
Hanna's face is so ridiculous in Panel 3, I love it.
Is it just me, or is Hannah's helmet glaring at people? Good lord, is it actually an alien eating her head?
Two wheels!
Boom. Pun'd.
Oh, alt-text. Never change =)
That alt text though, lmao
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- Beep boop -
hanna is my hero
Mine too.
unicycle man is my hero
electronic goat is that you 😐
Was that a milk carton in panel 5, or one of Uncle Hanna's Highest Quality Cock Bags? D:
Uni-tard! Good one!
Hanna's face is so ridiculous in Panel 3, I love it.
Is it just me, or is Hannah's helmet glaring at people? Good lord, is it actually an alien eating her head?
Two wheels!
Boom. Pun'd.
Oh, alt-text. Never change =)
That alt text though, lmao