What a lovely weekend! I hope yours was filled with good food and friends and sunshine. I saw some good people and got exactly zero sunburns, so I am pleased. This comic is a particularly sad one for me. It’s a conversation and awkward hug I imagine many of us have had. |
For some reason Hannah looks just like Homestar Runner in panel seven to me.
Awwww… I've had that kind of situation. Well… today is my Birthday!
WOW. I seriously just had this conversation about 2 minutes ago with my roommates. I had the same reaction as Hannah too. 🙁
over a year later, and i had the same convo with MY roomies… i played the part of Hanna and i it was pretty brutal lol
Remember, status quo is good!
Hannah-face in #7 is so much "I do not know the proper protocol in expressing what I am feeling right now"…awww.
I like the pose eve has on the last panel – the way her legs try to balance the tilting of the chair looks pretty realistic
No way Eve can't leave!!
It will no longer be a Brooklyn drama if she leaves!!
I'm calling a meme on panels 5, 6, and 7, a la "The Most Horrible Thing."
Good call!
http://imgur.com/BkyiY.png – Blank
http://imgur.com/yz4xX.png – My Contribution
Here's what I got. — http://i26.tinypic.com/2rdf32p.jpg
Okay, I'm in.
Actually, I'd like to add a little something to mine…hehe. — http://i28.tinypic.com/15zpj77.jpg
Sorry about the poor level of editing, I did the best I could. *Shrug* Hopefully you don't mind, Mer ;D
I might actually -try- later. Perhaps with photoshop, this time.
Dear Robert,
Thank you.
Smoking at a restaurant in New York? Psssh.
Great comic tho. I check this every day and am never disappointed.
Hope the move to OR went smoothly.
Eve looks cute in the 6th panel :3
I just got a new puppy so I'm getting a kick out of this story arc.
Aww. Alt-text made me sad. We just had my dog put down on Friday.
Anyway, I'm interested to see where this storyline goes.
Been there…poor Hanna 🙁 I'm going to be really upset if in some weird twist Hanna is no longer in the comic…but I doubt that would happen.
Hope the move went well!
Happy birthday Chad!
that "18 year old commitment" reminds me of every time i asked my dad for a pet.
Hannah is always out of her depth, unless there's baked goods or getting baked, getting some with Marek or scheme-ey schemes to hatch.
So I guess she's not always out of her depth.
BOOK 3 is so wonderful!!! BUY IT!
This appears to be an outdoors-cafe-type thing, where I'm pretty sure it's still legal to smoke. Tobacco, anyway. 😉
PS, Sad to say that many Dog breeds don't make it past 11. 14 is ancient for a Rotweiler, for instance. 7-10 for a British Bulldog (not a shocker), maybe 16 for a Jack Russell.
18 years? More likely a cat…
My Rotty is 14.
@David Waltergart
Small dogs do live for much longer than larger dogs. The dachshunds I grew up with made it well into their late teens. 17, 17 and 19, I believe. Though our little long-hair, Maggie, only made it about 16.
19 might be some kind of record. The Dachshunds I've known are all chronic hip/spine injured before then.
I suppose the numbers are skewed by both human medical interventions and euthanizing (euphemising?) of ill dogs. As I'll be adopting (rescuing) a dog in the next wee while, anticipated lifespan is just one of many considerations I've entertained.
Hope you'll enjoy your memories of the dogs you've mentioned. I'm sure they were characters.
Wow, Hanna's line in panel two is kinda cynical-… a little out-of-character for someone with such a happy-go-lucky personality.
Still, it made me laugh, so yay!
Heh, well this time she actually had to be all responsible and, you know, cope with something she couldn't ignore or make someone else's problem. It does take the edge off the "eee a puppy!" glee.
Annoyance can make you all kinds 'a cynical. *glares at his cat*
Panel 7 is too perfect. Too perfect.
Had the same conversation with my friend, but the scary thing is that she looks a lot like Hannah, and I like Eve : )
ps. I mean, we had different sides in that conversation than our look-alikes
Can't say I've ever had that conversation with any of my previous room mates…still, very well done!
I had a white dog named Snowy who died recently. He was my best friend, my life long buddy, since I was five, and I am now twenty. It was nice to feel a connection with Park c:
I marvel at and am envious of this comic's ability to portray different relationships and seem effortless while doing so. I have to ask did the schooling help? Or are you just that good?
Both are probably stupid questions.
I miss your song and doodle blog.
Eve can be really deep, man.
…You should compile a book of Evephorisms and then sell it!
I have been reading for a few days now (and I'm in awe) but I just had to comment today. My dog Spike is 19 this year, and I've moved 10+ times in my life, so this storyline has really touched me so far.
"It validates the time we'd already be wasting."