awesome artwork – both in the regular comics and these. loving the plot so far!
Reusing panels is seriously one of my favorite gags EVAR.
I love that last panel hard.
The art was super amazing. Nice!
Nice music choice at the last panel. Dusty is the best.
I loved the colors you used .. Just beautiful!
was the second to last panel reused?
It just adds to the authenticity, really.
I literally died reading this strip
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- Beep boop -
awesome artwork – both in the regular comics and these. loving the plot so far!
Reusing panels is seriously one of my favorite gags EVAR.
I love that last panel hard.
The art was super amazing. Nice!
Nice music choice at the last panel. Dusty is the best.
I loved the colors you used .. Just beautiful!
was the second to last panel reused?
It just adds to the authenticity, really.
I literally died reading this strip